The Nerds SMP
Our Server Experience
We, The Nerds admins, have done our best to create
the kind of survival server that we like to play on.
Every new feature is tested. If it's good, we keep it. Sometimes simpler is better.
Server Features
We have slowly and tenderly built our server from the ground up adding only those features we love most, including:
Jobs & Economy
Player-Run Chest Shops
...and more!
It's been important to us from the beginning to create a server experience where the administrators and staff are regularly playing in the server, too. With feedback from players, this is the easiest way to figure out what's working and what isn't.
Our approach is to treat the server as a collaborative effort that requires teamwork, respect, and openness to feedback.
Decisions are made collectively among server representatives.
The representatives come equally from:
Adult Players (19+)
Minor Players (16-18)
When suggestions are received, changes are made to the server by 3/4ths approval among the representatives.
We do it this way because we've seen Developer abuse toward Players, Player abuse toward Staff, and Staff and Developers at odds.
Our goal is to create a gaming environment that puts people before blocks.
And we will always stay open to feedback.